Aveda Institute-Tucson

Tucson, AZ


NCD For Profit

$1,773.00 BAH Rate

$1,054.00 Online BAH Rate

No Yellow Ribbon Program

Credit for military service

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Aveda Institute-Tucson

Aveda Institute-Tucson is a NCD, For Profit university, located in Tucson,AZ. Students at Aveda Institute-Tucson can enroll in Certificates programs.

Aveda Institute-Tucson Military & Veteran Support Programs

Aveda Institute-Tucson offers the following veteran and military support programs:

Is Aveda Institute-Tucson a GI Bill-approved school?

Yes, Aveda Institute-Tucson is a GI Bill-approved school. However, you will need to check with the school to ensure that the GI Bill covers your preferred degree program.

Is Aveda Institute-Tucson a Yellow Ribbon school?

No, Aveda Institute-Tucson is not a Yellow Ribbon school.

Some tuition costs may not be covered by the GI Bill. As a result, you may have out-of-pocket costs for which you are responsible to cover your full tuition.

Does Aveda Institute-Tucson offer Yellow Ribbon for master’s programs?

No, Aveda Institute-Tucson does not offer Yellow Ribbon funding for its master’s programs.

This means that some tuition costs may not be fully covered by the GI Bill. As a result, you may have out-of-pocket costs for which you are responsible to cover your full tuition for a master’s program.

Does Aveda Institute-Tucson offer college credit for military service?

No, Aveda Institute-Tucson does not offer college credit for military service.

In order to finish your degree as quickly as possible, you may want to research universities that provide credit for military service.

Does Aveda Institute-Tucson offer a military discount or reduced tuition rates for military and veterans?

No, Aveda Institute-Tucson does not offer a military discount or reduced tuition for military and veterans. You should verify with the university to find out if the rate is below the military tuition assistance cap of $250 per credit hour. Otherwise, you may have out-of-pocket tuition costs for which you would be responsible.

What are Aveda Institute-Tucson’s military tuition rates for active military using tuition assistance funding?

Aveda Institute-Tucson has not provided their tuition rates for active military.

We recommend that you contact the school to verify that the courses you wish to pursue do not exceed the $250 rate cap for military tuition assistance.

What are Aveda Institute-Tucson’s online tuition rates for active military?

Aveda Institute-Tucson has not provided its tuition rates for active military.

We recommend that you contact the school to verify that the courses you wish to pursue do not exceed the $250 rate cap for military tuition assistance.

Does Aveda Institute-Tucson offer online degree programs?

No, Aveda Institute-Tucson does not currently offer online degree programs.

Is Aveda Institute-Tucson approved for Tuition Assistance (TA)?

No, Aveda Institute-Tucson is not approved for Tuition Assistance (TA).

This means that the student may be responsible for any uncovered tuition costs, meaning you may have out-of-pocket costs.

Is Aveda Institute-Tucson approved for MyCAA?

No, Aveda Institute-Tucson does not currently offers programs approved for funding by the MyCAA program.

About Us

CollegeRecon’s CollegeFinder provides valuable information about the top VA-approved colleges and universities for military and veterans using the Post 9/11 GI Bill, Tuition Assistance, or researching Yellow Ribbon Schools.

CollegeRecon is built exclusively for the military community, including the US Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and DoD. Veterans, active military, the National Guard, Reserves, military spouses and dependents can search nearly 3,000 top campus and online schools to find their best fit among veteran-friendly and military-friendly online colleges and universities for their education needs.

Data shown in the CollegeRecon School Search tool is the most current data available from federally provided resources or the schools themselves.

All data is provided from the following sources, WEAMS,IPEDS, and Department of Veterans Affairs website or colleges’ or universities’ administrators or websites.

Contact Us

College Recon

1101 N Market Street, 2nd Floor
Milwaukee, WI 53202


CollegeRecon is not affiliated with the Department of Defense or the Department of Veterans Affairs. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available at the official U.S. government web site at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill

“$0 Tuition Cost for Veterans” represents out-of-pocket costs to eligible veterans with full benefits remaining and approval for any funding support from the university and the VA via the Yellow Ribbon program. Any potential costs and GI Bill coverage should be verified by the university and the VA, respectively, before applying.

“$0 Tuition Cost for Military” represents out-of-pocket costs to eligible service members with approved military tuition assistance benefits. The degree or certificate programs must be approved for tuition assistance funding and be less than the tuition assistance limit of $250. Any potential costs and Tuition Assistance coverage should be verified by the university and your command and/or the DoD, prior to applying.

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