Kent State University at Kent

Kent State University at Kent

Kent, OH


4 Year Public Suburb

$1,319 BAH Rate

$1,054 Online BAH Rate

No Yellow Ribbon Program

Yes, provides Credit for Military Service

GI Bill® - approved programs

Military Tuition Assistance - approved programs

MyCAA approved

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Kent State University at Kent

Kent State is committed to meeting the needs of its students. Coming back to school after or while serving in the military or as an adult learner gives you a different perspective on college than traditional students. Kent State's Center for Adult and Veteran Services is designed to help you build on those life experiences, easing the process of returning to college. Get familiar with Kent State's programs and services for adult learners, and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.  For questions about academic program offerings and admissions, please contact Kent State University Admissions.

Kent State University Military & Veteran Support Programs

Kent State University at Kent offers the following veteran and military support programs:

Does Kent State University at Kent offer online degree programs?

Yes, Kent State University at Kent offers online degree programs.

Is Kent State University at Kent a GI Bill® approved school?

Yes, Kent State University at Kent is a GI Bill® approved school. However, you will need to check with the school to ensure that your preferred degree program is covered by the GI Bill®. For more info, please contact veteran services and/or admissions here.

Is Kent State University at Kent a Yellow Ribbon school?

No, Kent State University at Kent is a Yellow Ribbon school.

Eligible military and veteran students may have up to 100% of their tuition covered, with zero tuition costs out-of-pocket. You will need to check with the school to ensure that your preferred degree program is 100% covered by the Yellow Ribbon. For more info, please contact veteran services and/or admissions here.

Does Kent State University at Kent offer Yellow Ribbon for master’s programs?

Yes, Kent State University at Kent offers Yellow Ribbon funding for master’s programs.  

Eligible students may have up to 100% of their tuition covered, with zero costs out-of-pocket. You will need to check with the school to ensure that your preferred advanced degree program is in fact covered by the Yellow Ribbon. For more info, please contact veteran services and/or admissions here.

Does Kent State University at Kent offer a military discount or reduced tuition rates for military and veterans?

No,  Kent State University at Kent does not offer a military discount or reduced tuition for military and veterans. For more info, please contact veteran services and/or admissions here.

What are Kent State University at Kent’s tuition rates for military and veterans?

At $435.50 per credit hour Kent State University at Kent’s tuition rate for active military does exceed the Tuition Rate assistance cap of $250 per hour. This means that the student may have out-of-pocket costs.  For more info, please contact veteran services and/or admissions here.

What are Kent State University at Kent’s online tuition rates for military and veterans?

At $435.50 per credit hour Kent State University at Kent’s online tuition rate for active military does exceed the Tuition Rate assistance cap of $250 per hour. This means that the student may have out-of-pocket costs. For more info, please contact veteran services and/or admissions here.

Is Kent State University at Kent approved for Tuition Assistance?

Yes, Kent State University at Kent is approved for Tuition Assistance.  

Eligible students may have up to 100% of their tuition covered, with zero costs out-of-pocket. You will need to check with the school to ensure that your preferred degree program is covered by Tuition Assistance. For more info, please contact veteran services and/or admissions here.

Does Kent State University at Kent offer master’s programs covered by Tuition Assistance?

Yes, Kent State University at Kent has master’s degree programs partially covered by Tuition Assistance funding.  

Eligible active military students may have up to 100% of their tuition covered, with zero costs out-of-pocket.  You will need to check with the school to ensure that your preferred degree program is covered by Tuition Assistance. For more info, please contact veteran services and/or admissions here.

Is Kent State University at Kent a military friendly school?

Kent State University at Kent is considered military friendly. They feature a veteran counselor on campus, credit for military service, have signed the Principles of Excellence, and waive admissions fees for veterans and service members.  In addition, the school is approved for tuition assistance and all GI Bill® benefits.

Is Kent State University at Kent a MyCAA school?

Yes, Kent State University at Kent is a Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) approved school.  For more info, please contact veteran services and/or admissions here.